It’s Not All in Your Head

Have you ever had someone tell you “It’s all in your head” when you’ve expressed feeling a certain way either mentally, physically, or emotionally? This phrase is used quite frequently with a negative connotation to describe someone who is overreacting. However, the reality is that the ways you physically perceive things are often directly related to your frame of mind.

A great example of how your mind and body are connected is the way you react to stress. Odds are, when you feel stressed you not only experience racing or panicked thoughts, but your palms also begin to sweat and you may have an upset stomach. This physical reaction is your body’s direct response to the anxiety and stress you may be experiencing.

One of our goals at Vert Chiropractic is to bridge the gap between your mind and body so that we can address your injuries and symptoms from every angle. Because of his degrees in biology, neuroscience, and chiropractic care, Dr. Hewitt understands the intricacies of the human body and how everything is interconnected. This understanding has set him apart from other chiropractors in the way that he treats his patients with a holistic approach. He has seen faster results for his patients because he also understands no human body is the same and no injury is the same. 

Dr. Hewitt’s knowledge of how the body works together lets him alter plans of care away from always doing what the books say to determine the correct point of dysfunction and treat the individual accordingly. 

Interested in learning more about our custom treatment plans and how your mind and body are closely connected? Give us a call today!


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