Is Your Job Causing Pain?

Do you find yourself experiencing any kind of consistent pain while at work? And no, we aren’t talking about a nagging boss or a pesky coworker. 

Most Americans complain about experiencing some degree of joint, back, or neck pain when on the job, whether they are typing away at their desk or out on the construction site. The majority of people that feel either back, neck, or leg pain at work write it off as just being part of the job and ignore their symptoms until they are blatantly interfering with their ability to perform. 

Neglecting these types of injuries can result in more severe problems down the road. Ailments as simple as general back pain can cost employers a significant amount of money in insurance bills and could be treated quicker if the patient had only seen a chiropractor. Even if your job isn’t necessarily considered strenuous, simple repetitive tasks such as typing or sitting for prolonged periods of time can lead to long-term injuries.

One of our main goals at Vert Chiropractic is to pinpoint the root cause of pain and help you return to work as quickly as possible. If we feel that there are other underlying issues, we work with you to create a custom treatment plan to get you back to feeling like yourself again. Our team will also help you understand the origin of your injury so that you can retrain the way you move and prevent further injuries down the road. 

A common misconception that people have about chiropractors is that once you start treatment, you have to see them on a regular basis. At Vert Chiropractic, however, we only set patients up on a long-term plan if necessary. Once you are feeling better, you only have to return on an as-needed basis. 

No matter what your job is, ours is to help you return to work feeling your best. When you’re experiencing pain on the job, let us be your first option not your last. 


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