
Lymphatic Massage Therapy

Lymphatic massage therapy uses vibration massage that targets lymph nodes and major lymph tissue throughout the body. The vibration and relaxation allows for lymph tissue to work more fluidly and decrease the edema throughout the extremities and core. This therapy is particularly effective for any swollen body parts and advantageous to pregnant women, especially in the lower extremities.
Lymphatic massage therapy also works to take pressure off of the extremities. When pressure builds in the extremities, neuropathy will begin to set in.

Neuropathy can lead to carpal tunnel, numbness in the hands or feet, and tingling of the toes, hands, arms, etc.

Neuropathy is also a side effect of chemotherapy and other cancer treatment drugs. Our team at Vert Chiropractic is ready to walk alongside you and support you throughout your cancer journey, doing whatever we can to help you feel your best.

Vibration Massage Therapy

Vibration massage therapy promotes muscle relaxation and allows the corrected misalignments to settle better, which leads to longer relief for the patient. It is a helpful treatment tool for everyone to help with tight or torn muscles, swelling, and edema, as well as active and myofascial release in scar tissue within the muscles.