Laser Therapy

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy is a new therapy designed to target cellular growth throughout the body. Light penetrates the cell, allowing for mitochondria to produce more energy and spark cellular respiration. Cellular respiration leads to new, proper tissue growth and repair. Oxygenated blood flow returns to the damaged tissue, flushing out toxins, decreasing inflammation, and reducing pain. After a few treatments, tissue repair is well underway and the patient has noticeable changes to their condition and dramatically reduced symptoms.

We use a class four, top-of-the-line machine that can be used to treat tendonitis, sprains/strains, neuropathy, burns, and more. 

Trigger Point Therapy 

We use the laser to go straight to the source of tension in the muscle. By attacking built up adhesions, the muscle will relax and begin to feel relief. This treatment is especially beneficial to break up knots throughout the body and for fibromyalgia patients.