The Vert Difference

If you are like the majority of chiropractic candidates, odds are you are somewhat hesitant to seek out chiropractic treatment. Unfortunately, horror stories of malpractice and treatments that lead to even more pain plague the minds of those who can greatly benefit from proper chiropractic care. That is why seeing a trustworthy chiropractor who has a firm grasp on the body, the many adjustment methods, and a solid treatment plan is crucial.

With his degrees in biology, neuroscience, and chiropractic care, Vert Chiropractic’s Dr. Craig Hewitt truly understands how tendons, ligaments, and muscles all play a role in how the skeletal system aligns and interacts. This thorough knowledge and understanding has led Dr. Hewitt to treat patients differently from the typical chiropractor.

Unlike most chiropractors, Dr. Hewitt does not perform adjustments simply to hear those all so satisfying cracks, as they are not always indicative of a proper adjustment; rather, he relies on a decrease of symptoms and dysfunction to determine if the correct adjustment was made. In his mind, Dr. Hewitt believes that if a patient is better and the source of the pain has been identified and treated, then he has done his job.

Vert Chiropractic offers many therapies and non-invasive treatment methods including lymphatic massage therapy, myofascial stretch technique, and more. Dr. Hewitt also incorporates many types of tools that can help treat certain ailments faster than most adjustment methods. These methods include everything from lymphatic vibration massage tools that can be greatly beneficial to pregnant women with swelling in the lower extremities, to cold laser therapies that target and encourage cellular growth throughout the body.

Interested in learning about our different treatments, the many benefits of having a customized plan, or how working with Vert can help you heal with confidence? Contact us today! 


Types of Chiropractic Care


The Benefits of Intersegmental Traction Therapy