The Road to Spinal Health

Most people seem to believe that you have to be of a certain age or experienced some sort of traumatic injury to receive chiropractic care. This, however, couldn’t be further from the truth. Just as we regularly see a physician or dentist, we can all benefit from regularly seeing a chiropractor, especially as we age and our spines continue to change. 

Whether we like it or not, our bodies are continuously growing and sometimes even degrading. According to Cedars Sinai, as we age, the disks in our spine begin to dry out and no longer support our vertebrae. Without this cushioning, we start to experience pinching and uncomfortable pressure, which can greatly affect our daily lives. Over time, the degradation makes it harder to stay active as the rest of our body slows down. 

One of the best ways to stay one step ahead of this change is to monitor your spinal health as you age. Working with a knowledgeable chiropractor such as Dr. Hewitt sets you on the right path so that you can be aware of any issues before they cause life-altering challenges down the road.

One of the great things about our team at Vert is that we see people of all ages, no matter their level of health and fitness. We work closely with you to create a custom treatment plan that takes into consideration your lifestyle, previous injuries, and body composition to ensure that you are spending less time in our offices and more time doing the things you love. 

If you have ever wondered about visiting a chiropractor but were concerned that you are too young, too old, or weren’t experiencing severe enough symptoms, you are not alone. We encourage you to contact our team or visit our treatments page to learn more about the many things we can help with.


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